The fierce weather that held onto so much of the country has passed.
The final wave of dramatic skies, the last before we're in the clear.
Raining just a few scattered drops, before they hurriedly roll on.
In the midst of it all, the tiniest pollinators toil.
Scarcely the size of a raindrop himself, this little fly dances from flower to flower.
Dodging the assault.
While I, with my umbrella as my shield, watch.
Wincing at the wetness.
Thanks to Wigger's World for hosting Skywatch Friday each week at his site!

Love these pictures Nina. It seems such an odd year bug-wise to me. I haven't seen hardly any butterflies or bees. I first thougth it was becasue it had been so cool and rainy. However I can't say that any longer. It is hot as hadies and the sun is scorching.
Very nice photography, Nina. I just saw three butterflies today. A Monarch, a Swallowtail and a Cabbage White. These are the first. I only was able to photograph the White.
Beautifully done, Nina! You have an eye for the great and the small.
I wholeheartedly agree with Sandy.. you are a natural with nature.
Thank you for joining in with Sky Watch this week and helping to make it special.
Tom :O)
Very nice post today!
Petunia's SWF
These are all amazing photos... you are obviously very talented at shooting these little critters in the wild... well done!
Mountain Retreat
Very beautiful, as always, Nina!
Nina: Very cool how you helped the polinater with their job.
So very beautiful, as always!
Very very nice to watch.
Nice weekend.
Very beautiful the photos, I can not feel the smell. Congratulations.
visit my colours of Nature.
Very beautiful photos! I can almost feel the warm sun and smell the flowers.
cool catch for SWF! the twinkling sky seemed to throbs off to one body, timed for a common pulse. Mine's up too hope you can drop by.
Beautiful and yes Mighty!
Love all the photos.
Lovely post! :)
Beautiful photos.
Awesome series!!
Love, love, love the blue-purple of spiderworts! Folks rip them up around here as they are invasive but I let them grow wherever they want to clump.
Such a stunning macro shots!
werry great shot you have many nice pic
Stunning sky shot and, as usual, most wonderful macros of the works of nature in your area. I'll have to look more closely at my spiderwort to see if it has attracted any tiny pollinators.
Excellent closeups! Well done :)
As always, beautiful post!
Very beautiful
Isn't the spiderwort beautiful?
Wonderful images of both sky and flower! I love the last picture, but most of all the sky.
Sunshine after rain is such a welcome relief to the spirt. Nicely done, and your flowers are very fresh and lovely looking. Happy bee working away.
Beautiful shots of nature at its best! Thanks for sharing them.
(Bodge's Bulletin)
beautiful photographs nina!
Fabulous shots Nina!! I have seen LOTS of butterflies here...but not too many bees!
I wish some of your rain would make it our way :)
Beautiful sky and fascinating little pollinator. MB
Nina, I felt like I was there with you looking through your eyes. What a wonderous world with activity and beauty all around us if we only have eyes to see!
Beautiful photos!
Beautiful photos as usual.
Have a nice weekend.
There's a party over here.
Come and visit for a while,
Amazing, isn't it? That those tiny pollenators keep on going? So happy your skies are brighter now, Nina. The weather has taken a toll on most of the country and it's only mid-June. Let's pray for clear skies for those who need them and rain for those losing crops already.
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