this Blue
Glidewell Trail,
Brookville Lake, Indiana
I return to woods that are full—the branches heavy, now, thick with leaves, where, just weeks ago, light barely caught on a branch, smooth and thin, waiting for spring.
Great Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum appendiculatum
Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatumThe wildflowers, small and bright, bold and brassy, begging to be seen, have passed.
Knee-deep in fresh, soft growth, the long and lacy stems fill in, the softer light more kind to their quiet colors--
pale lavender, shades of purple, icy blue.
Wild Hyacinth, Camassia scilloides
Miami Mist, Phacelia purshii

Under this cover,
beneath its shade,
gossamer petals on willowy stems,
fringed faces from a carpet, watch.
Dragonfly on Dwarf Larkspur, Delphinium tricorneAnd hold the sounds there, still.
Within the safety of these woods.
Scarlet Tanager, Piranga olivacea
Jack in the Pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum
Violet Wood Sorrel, Oxalis violacea
Great Waterleaf
Wild Hyacinth
Dwarf Larkspur
(click to enlarge)
See more Skywatch here.
Nice photo of the Stream Cruiser (Didymops transversa). They are hard to find sitting still.
Love the Dragonfly and the Jack in the Pulpit. So many of your wildflowers are blooming!
What a beautiful post! The sky is to lie down in the grass and watch drifting by and as a bonus all the beauty that the forest floor provides. Wonderful.
Above and below, the blue is so beautiful! (The green too)
Lovely post Nina! Great photos!!
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Beautiful flowers, and even the sky, the clouds look like wild fringed blossoms
Gorgeous photos Nina.
This is an exquisite post...beautiful words and beautiful images. Just lovely.
Nina, what a nice juxstaposition of sky blue sky and sky blue flowers. I get it. Lovely.
so enjoyed the sky of blue and the shades of blue in the forest...each and every one lovely.
so lovely.
have a wonderful weekend.
Lovely, above and below. This post is right up my alley, or I should say up my trail.
Love that hyacinth.
Hello Nina~ Love the enriching words you use to describe what you love. I always enjoy my visit here. I especially like the picture of the dragonfly on the larkspur and the scarlet tanager. Beautiful post. Have a nice weekend.
These are completely gorgeous.
So pretty, delicate, soft. Yay for the dragonfly!
Fabulously delicious photos!!!!!
(Have you missed your calling??!!)
Ahhh, out here in the Rocky Mountains I sometimes miss the deciduous woodland wildflowers. Thank you for the beautiful photos. It was a very soothing and peaceful post to read.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
ciekawy blog , ładne zdjęcia , pozdrawiam :)
There is nothing like being in the woods. I love how your photos are as delicate as the flowers.
You have Jack in the Pulpit, too. I was just commenting to Ruthie J. that I've never seen one in person and I'm just down the road from Hueston Woods.
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