Sunday, March 2, 2008


The water level in the pond swings high and low.

Yesterday's warming temperatures melted the remaining snow. The feeder creeks roar at full capacity, as they channel every melting droplet from acres beyond toward this basin.
The dam barely holds.
I pace back and forth across its muddy berm, hoping the pressure will not find a muskrat hole to be the weakness it can overpower.
Yet, overnight, enough escapes to ease the strain. A chilled morning has recorded each backward step--rimming the water with silver topographic lines.

The day warms again.
The earth feels the change.

In the woods, the first faces of spring peer through winter's brown.
As much as we wait for this moment--it seems they are eager, too.

Winter Aconite and Snow Drops

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Lisa at Greenbow said...

Doesn't that yellow color just SCREAM SPRING!!!!! Just beautiful.

Mungo said...

Wow - those photographs of the ice are incredible. Wonderful captures!



Mary said...

Oh, Nina. I'm so happy for you to finally...see...color. The freeze is shifting on the pond like the season...

I see it's 57.1 degrees F in Milford. Cool, huh?

Marvelous photos. You have a keen sense of "artography". Is that a word? LOL!

entoto said...

Lovely photos, lovely essay. Maybe I *will* see some green things in Ohio!

Anonymous said...

love the snow drops and they are my favorite flowers for sure! The Yellow ones would be a new one for me! Great signs of spring and now I just need my 1 1/2 feet of snow to melt and start to look like your yard!

Anonymous said...

Your first photo is super the texture!

bobbie said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures! As mon@rch said, the yellow ones are unfamiliar to me, but I love them! The ice...there just aren't words!

nina at Nature Remains. said...

Lisa--I'm glad yellow is the first to appear--I wouldn't want to overlook such happy flowers! See the raindrops on them?--they drank it in.

Mungo--I thought I was finished with ice, but these formations seemed different (again!)--I guess it always is.

Mary--You always "get" my posts!! And, even at 7:30 a.m. it's 57 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i'm pleased)

Trixie--Yes, we're greening up, if you look closely. And, with another few days of 50 degree temps, it'll be even better!!

Monarch--I love to be able to follow seasonal progressions through the reports of bloggers. I've been waiting for what Mary has, and will send it on to YOU! Those yellow flowers are in the buttercup family and also sometimes called Wolf's Bane. (Poisonous)

Bonnie--I'd never seen such an elaborate 3-D creation--see the triangle near the top??--you can see through it to a structure

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Pretty ice patterns and so nice to see SPRING!!!

Tom said...

The ice patterns look like Art Nouveau .. it is great when the colours start to show..

Unknown said...

Beautiful. I find it really interesting that the ice formed in ripples.

Anonymous said...

Terrific photos - especially the first two.

Anonymous said...

more magical photos as usual. you're so fortunate to have the thin ice ... what great fodder for photos.


Jackie said...

Those ice images are incredibly pretty. I love that first one with all the sharp angles.

Cathy said...

Oh Nina! Is it true?

Oh beauty!

Oh hope!

Petals in the wake of winter's frayed cloak!

' . . A chilled morning has recorded each backward step "

All - the pictures, your words - wonderful, again.

Kathie Brown said...

Nina, I love the photos of the ice edges! You combine pictures and words so well. Do you know there is a homeopathic remedy made from Aconite! Thanks for sharing your love of nature with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... Gorgeous little yellow flowers. I've never seen them. I wonder if we have them around here?