Monday, May 26, 2008

Beyond words

Perhaps it is not the presence of language that defines brilliance,
but rather, the ability to create something which is beyond words.

Please click on photos to see detail.

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Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi Nina! These are great pictures. I have only since one hummingbird nest and that was in Longwood Gardens. She looks like a proud mama sitting in her nest.

I am glad that three chickadee's are okay. Lisa

fiona said...

beautiful :-)

cestoady said...

Beyond words indeed !! If put to music, it is something worthy of Mozart. A masterpiece !!

Appalachian Lady said...

Oh--what a nice photo of the hummingbird nest. I am still looking for one.

Tom said...

Oh! Nina
What a sight this is.. that nest is a true work of art.. I'd love to see more of this maybe when the young have flown. It looks to be made of Lichen.

Anonymous said...

Oh how special! Lovely nesting photo.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I wish I could show my Dad this nest. He has never seen a hummingbird nest. He loves to feed them. His excuse to not stay overnight during summer is that he has to get back to feed the hummers. Ha...

nina at Nature Remains. said...

Yes, Tom, she's used pieces of lichen for her nest. I remembered reading that, but somehow, didn't expect it to be so exquisitely constructed! Can you see how many tiny pieces she's attached (with spiderwebs, no less!) to completely cover it? It's like a mosaic!
I would have loved to see her working on it--can you imagine??

Anonymous said...

I would love to find a hummingbird nest one of these days! With all my hummers around . . . I must have one here somewhere! Thanks for sharing this with us!

The Zen Birdfeeder said...

Me too - never seen one. But as little as they are, I imagine they're hard to find.
Great images, love the background.

Wendy said...

Beautiful. I've never seen a hummingbird's nest and we have a feeder just outside our kitchen window. Thanks for posting those lovely pics.

Mary said...

Oh, My Heavens. I'm speechless (for once).

me ann my camera said...

That is a wonderful photo and a treasure of a find. I can only imagine how tiny it must be!

Nabeel said...

I love birds. that is a very lucky photo. they build nests, the same way we build our houses. perhaps they understand the meaning of "home"

Marvin said...

So cool. I've never found a hummer's nest, but I haven't quit looking.

Marvin at Nature in the Ozarks

Kathie Brown said...

Oh, the still silent beauty of the forest and the nest!