Where are you going, as I stand here behind wise eyes that watch you as you pass?
And what is it you are looking for?
I used to be your favorite, you know, your first.
I remember the hours we spent each day together sitting in this field.
It hardly seems like fourteen years.
And all the time, you never seemed to mind the green-trimmed holes I chewed in your t-shirts, or the way I marked you as my own with rubbings against your knee.
We jumped and climbed... and frolicked beneath a blue sky, you and I.
And you brought me goldenrod.
I know…

Others younger have come and gone.
Bigger and bolder—in every way they made sure I knew my place was always to be the very last.

Once a dozen, now we are just three.
But who would have thought I would be queen?
I know…

Stop a while and sit with me.
Marvel at my soft and gentle lips, the whorl of hair on my forehead, the brushed-bare black of my knees.
Let me untie your shoes and wipe the sweat from your brow.
You will find the sun of an autumn afternoon to be of the most perfect kind.
Crickets are singing from the grasses of the field.
We can rest together beneath the wide blue sky.
And you can bring me goldenrod.

Huh? Wow, I was thrown off by this comment of 'leave your comment.' Um... I thought your post was nice.
Beautiful, just beautiful!!
That is just a lovely, lovely post.
Please give Silvie a big armful of goldenrods for me…and tell they're from one old goat to another.
I love it. And my, but doesn't she have a level gaze.
Love...this. After a Nina post, I often have trouble finding words. Yours are so perfect.
Aren't goats great? Their personalities are so large.
What a sweet tribute to your old goat.
Aww ... you cannot NOT love goats if you've ever spent any time around them. They're so very social, and so cute, esp. the babies of course.
This baby indeed looks to have grown wise. Please give her another handful of goldenrod from me.
A tear...and thinking of the old ones still in my care. S'cuse me while I go sit with them awhile....
Thank you for an exquisite post.
I loved this post, Nina. So gentle and beautiful...
Here I am again. This moves me in ways I do not understand. Maybe it's the goldenrod or the "sun of an autumn afternoon..." It brings me peace.
Grizz...done! There's no finer gift than an armful of goldenrod!
DeeJ--these thoughts do the very same for me. In fact, I find myself checking in on Sylvie a little more than I would normally...her last summer will eventually come to pass. I never like looking back and realizing I missed something special.
Great post - I have marked it so I can read it again for inspiration
great work!
Nina, there isn't much left to say after all these glowing comments. Your writing always stops me dead, you are so gifted with those words and thoughts. I don't know why your blog isn't showing up on my dash, but I intend to fix that RIGHT NOW!! I hate to miss even one of your lovely posts!! ~karen
Hi Nina
Anyone who has had a series of animaals, watched the relationships and dynamics change over time would be really moved by this, and I was.
I really enjoy your blog.
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