It's a group shot, from the Sugar Creek field trip at the New River Birding and Nature Festival where I spent the last wonderful week...a picture of fellow-birders, gladdened by a very birdy morning, hungrily having taken in long, lavish looks at a prized warbler as we wove a slow path down this gravelly West Virginia mountain road.
I’m that speck in the background—that stooping, bending form that seems otherwise occupied, oblivious to the purpose of the day--diddling in the ditch, while birds drip from the trees all around.
But odd as it may seem, I capture it better that way.
Scanning the bank, with each plant I create a richer picture of where I am, define a habitat a bit more thoroughly in my mind. With birdsong overhead, my snapshot is complete—a perfect picture remembered with as much detail as one might find when they recall exactly where they were or what they were doing the day that Elvis died.

Cerulean Warbler
Early meadow rue was blooming.
Little wind chimes tinkle
on a morning wet with dew.
Early meadow rue was blooming.
Little wind chimes tinkle
on a morning wet with dew.

Hooded Warbler
Through the thick woods,
brilliant birdsong hangs in the air
like tiny bells of Solomon’s seal.
Through the thick woods,
brilliant birdsong hangs in the air
like tiny bells of Solomon’s seal.

Kentucky Warbler
A tangled bank is heavily planted
with bellwort, Canada waterleaf,
and a quick glimpse of a bird.
A tangled bank is heavily planted
with bellwort, Canada waterleaf,
and a quick glimpse of a bird.

American Redstart
Jack-in-the-pulpit, tall and proud,
stands at the berm surveying the scene,
guarding the nest.
Jack-in-the-pulpit, tall and proud,
stands at the berm surveying the scene,
guarding the nest.
Nina, I love that you are that person scrunched down in the ditch. You see things that most of us don't see. Then you share it with us. I am humbled by your vision.
Lovely post and photos.
Even though I was on the other Sugar Creek trip, I would have to agree that this was a good one for getting lost in the ditch. I missed the Kentucky Warbler b/c I got too far behind my group. Ooops! What a lovely way to start off your recounting of the festival.
I love the come-hither barely visible red lining of the Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Thank you for showing us a different way to see...
What beautiful photos. I must admit I love a great wildflower shot every bit as much as a great bird photo.
All the best.
Beautiful post!
I love your short reflections. I agree that the where of the bird sighting is as important as the sighting. Sounds, textures, smells--not just sight, and not just bird.
Love your blog.
Hi Nina
I have to say that even when on a birding trip it is the whole package, birds, plants insects etc that I enjoy and remember.
Thanks Guy
Beautiful post Nina~Seems like we both share a love of looking down..
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