Saturday, August 15, 2009


By dusk, the white blanket has begun to settle in.
From every creek bed, it pours out onto the broad, low pastures to hang, swirling inches above the ground, turning and curling, before piling up in a soft drift and spilling over the ridge into the field beyond.
Quiet and cool, it is left to soothe the spaces this August heat has seared.
In the dark, I’ve walked here with a light—the air thick with katydid and frog song, my hair absorbing the soupy air until it gathers into drops that trickle down my face. Oozing richness and heavy with the frenzy of life on a summer night.

By morning, with the sun on its heels, it quickly rushes off, leaving nothing to hint of its reveling--
except a few broken strands of beads on the finest threads.

(click to enlarge)

Dew on seeds of Wild Lettuce

By mid-morning, the sun had erased all the dew, and its heat and brightness chased all but the hardiest deep into the woods to stay cool.
I was surprised to find this little Spring Peeper still here, though quiet, contentedly sitting on the leaf of a milkweed, shaded by another overhead. He had found the perfect perch from which to watch this summer morning.

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cestoady said...

I have often wondered where the spring peepers go after they have had such noisy spring and there after seem to disappear from the countryside. Now I know ---they find a hidden, shady perch and watch US.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Yes, this time of year you can definitely feel the air at night.

Rita said...

Those early morning walks can be very special and always different. It's my favorite time to walk.

Deborah Godin said...

A beautiful description of a beautiful time. The quiet, no matter what is stirring, is absolute.

Wendy said...

Love that spring peeper! So small. So cute.

Julie Zickefoose said...

Sweetness on a leaf.