Yesterday brought the perfect quiet of a snow.
Quiet, for the immediate response of so many to retreat indoors and leave our usually busy world much less so.
And perfect in the fact that getting out into it was, on this day, my choice.
So, stepping out from beneath warm covers, into my favorite wool socks, I gathered my things—which no longer fit easily into one sack, but three! And set off for a day at the Nature Center—laptop, camera, binoculars, cell phone, water bottle and a hurriedly packed lunch piled beside me on the seat. Hiking boots, hints of both mittens and gloves protruding from the side pockets of a large, dark jacket, and a knit hat, carefully chosen to be large enough to hide a small cat, but, on this day, just an unruly ponytail, added to the picture of one arriving and intending to stay for more than just a few hours.
This would be my place for the day.
For the better part of it, I, too, stayed warm and working—at a small table in a windowed room, while a smoky fire reluctantly gave way to flames and soft, plinking music drifted in from the gift shop next door. But after taming my mid-day appetite with a peanut butter sandwich and a darling Clementine, I gathered my gear, resituated it on the seat of the car and wrapped myself for the cold.

The trails so often filled with walkers, were empty. The lake, steel gray, with six ducks near the shore. Through the trees, the path wound and rolled past empty benches, filled on warmer days.
And I pushed faster, hoping warmth would find its way to my chilling fingertips.

In the field beyond, the little log house so out of time with all else, on this day seemed timeless. In the openness, flakes poured down from a white sky above and swirled into gray haze before resting on the grasses. In the center of it all, I stood and looked up into the stream. And wondered if this quiet, this solitude we avoid, the times when all life’s distractions are left on the seat of our cars, isn’t the perfect balm for a 21st century life.

Nina--lovely scenes; perfect sentiment.
I agree--something about snow makes us quiet and calm.
Maybe you have mentioned before, but where is the place with the trails of which you speak?
Donna--sorry to have left the specifics out--CNC is Cincinnati Nature Center, about 30 min. from my house. And the part I visit often is known as Rowe Woods--lovely rolling acres of woods and fields, lake, prairie,...especially beautiful with a light covering of snow!
You have made us missing the snow back home in New England, which we should not. We hardly see any snow in Taiwan now. We did have one morning of beautiful light snow when we made our photographic trip to New Mexico last November.
I knew where you were! Recognized the trails even before your photo of the log cabin.
Be careful - With all the gear you brought along, you are about to steal my nickname - "Overpacker."
Hey, you don't have to explain to me. You need all that stuff, don't you?
Great shots over time. It is always interesting to see what changes the seasons bring.
What beautiful photos. I love it when snow falls and there's no wind. Photos like your first one results and they're always wonderful.
Beauitful pictures.Each one portrays an aspect of solitude so well.I think my favorite may be the first one.Such delicate beauty.
Nina, that first photo is truly beautiful. They are all lovely. The sky dropping its gift on the land.
The photos of the trees and the cabin create a soothing, pleasant, contemplative emotion. Thank you!
Wonderful wintery scenes!
Your photos were very good by I really enjoyed reading the post. You described things so well I felt as if I was there, thanks.
A lovely way to appreciate a quiet overcast winter day!
Nice. Give me soltude in the hushing snow or a raging gale by the sea or sweltering desert sands, alone in a forest with water tinkling somewhere or even just in the garden or the country, but give me solitude between heaven and earth and I am at peace.
I love walking the trails near me in winter, mostly because they are so wonderfully quiet. Thanks for letting us tag along with you on your walk.
Lovely shots and lovely post. We had snow this morning...finaly;) Happy swf
Thank you for taking us for a walk. This feels like a combo of swf and myworld.
Hope you have a good weekend.
That's a pretty walk you took us on, and a wonderful series of photograhs. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful collection of snowy scenes.
Great photographs! Happy weekend and SkyWatch from Norway :o)
Stunning collection of photos! Love the sense of intimate peace in each one!
What a beautiful place to take a walk, enjoy the solitude and peace and just reflect. Your photos are lovely.
What a wonderful day...
They are great winter scenes.
Would love to visit picturesque nature scenes like those. Thank you for sharing! Happy SWF!
all of your photos today are so calming - i really enjoyed that
i especially love the first, of the grass covered with snow - so hard to find, and then harder to capture
thanks for sharing
Hi Nina,
Love these photos - so peaceful and surreal. Thank you for sharing.
nice pics Happy weekend and SkyWatch from Norway
What a great set. I liked the first one and the cabin in the snow.
lovely shots..
I Love love love the third photo with all the snow clinging to the trees ...
I feel like I am there and lose myself in these photos. Lovely, ethereal light. What camera are you using, if I may ask?
Lovely photos - the trees, the snow, the sky
I love the field grasses photo. They are all nice pictures.
Nina all your photos are awesome..particularly the first and the first of the log cabin! What a beautiful walk you took us on! Thank you! :)NG
A wonderful entry to SWF
Nice set of photos and i really love the cabin shots
They are all wonderful photos.
Have a great week
Missouri, USA
The trees, the snow and the sky all is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
Hello Nina
Your pictures are as I always remember them... very beautiful and tell a great story. Your writing is always a pleasure to read and I have learned much from your blog in the past. Yours is truely one of the blogs I miss the most... it as been a joy dropping by todayand catching up. I hope this small message finds you well.
Beautiful Sky Watch photos!
Nina, those scenes made me feel like bundling up and walking with you. I can almost hear the quiet through those photos.
Thanks for taking us with you.
This is a wonderful grouping of images! I love the forests shots, makes me want to take a walk there. Instead I will now go walk in my forest!
Beautiful post with lovely photos. Although it all looks chilly, you brought a sense of warmth and peace to the scenes with your words.
What a perfect post, for any reason. I love taking virtual walks and watching!yours was exceptional. Happy Sky
Those are very beautiful pictures. I especially like the second picture with the trees only partially covered in snow. It seems almost like a painting.
Beautiful Nina! That first shot just takes my breath away! I LOVE it!!
Dear Nina,
I fixed a cup of tea before I came to visit. I hoped you would post a SWF.
I know this quiet that you write of. I know being bundled and deep in thought with Nature. I know the solitude you write of. It is a blessing and I too think a cure for the hurried and the worried of today. It is a choice.
Always lovely to walk your paths.
I liked the comparison shots and the trail under the trees dusted with snow. I invite you to come see my moonrise. - Margy
Beautiful and peaceful pictures. I have pictures of grasses in my SWF contribution this week - but no snow.
I simply envy envy envy your pics !!!! how do u manage so many good ones !!!
Nina, gorgeous as always. Love the trees and the little cabin in the snow. I want to walk down those paths! They are calling me!
I to need to be outside and at one with nature. Your writing and beautiful photographs show what nature can offer even in its harshest season. don't you think it is lovely to walk alone in such environments....
A beautiful and peaceful post.......
Fifffffty comments??? Dude.
I loved this post, too. Positively Whitmanesque.
Yeah, Julie - 50+ comments and all without pics of Chet Baker and baby manatees. It boggles the mind!
Here in a built up area of north west England such peace seems a long way away. I do envy you Nina to have such such solititude on your doorstep. I love the picture of the log cabin which looks like a perfect retreat.
These are wonderful landscapes. Thanks for sharing the walk with us.
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