A small, fuzzy caterpillar hanging from his silver thread..climbing...
"Have you seen...." is an effort to discover the unusual beauty in things not usually appreciated for their beauty.

A small, fuzzy caterpillar hanging from his silver thread..climbing...
"Have you seen...." is an effort to discover the unusual beauty in things not usually appreciated for their beauty.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.~Robert Frost
I was hoping you weren't going to show a bird snatching him out of the air!
lovely photos!
Very cool! And, no, I have not seen such a thing... except an inchworm.
I think we have the same eye in capturing something special that most would not notice.
Fantastic series! Love these, Nina.
You got the shot I was trying to get several days ago in our park! That danged camera wouldn't focus. You did it!
Nina, if you identify the caterpillar I'd love to know. I've got a picture of what I'm pretty sure is the same bug with parasites attached. Gruesome , but interesting.
Cathy, (Technical Note) : Rather than parasites on the bugs, I think they are "parasitoids" because they will slowly consume the bug and kill it -- parasites generally do not kill the hand that feeds them because then they would have no place to live. For that reason, parasitoids, very often wasps, are used for biological control -- the adults are free-living but the larval stages ,in the process of growing up, kill the pests.
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