I've been tagged by Lynne AND Susan with the 8 random facts meme.
I probably could come up with 16 things--I try to keep most of my blog entries focused more on "nature", than myself--as a result, much of my life is unrecorded.
Here are the rules for Eight Random Facts:
Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here you go:
1. I'm from a really small family--no brothers, no sisters. BUT, I can trace my genealogy back to John Alden of the Mayflower. I think it's interesting to discover how things are related--people, too. So, actually, my family's huge!
2. I play the violin, poorly now, but at one time I was decent. Took lessons for years, then put it away. Maybe some day, I'll get it out again.
3. I lived the first 30 years of my life in New York--State. In all that time, I only visited New York City once, for 3 days. I wish NYC wasn't confused with NY State--they're geographically connected, but worlds apart.
4. I have asthma. And most times I even forget about this one--which usually ends up with a scolding from my Dr. and the reminder that even though you feel great, you must take medicine. I am not a good patient.
5. My dream is to someday walk down into the Grand Canyon, stay at Phantom Ranch, and walk out the other side. (I've walked down and back up from the North Rim, but not across)
6. My education is in a science-related medical field. My job, in the public library, has absolutely nothing to do with it. Hmmm.
7. I've been to the National Spelling Bee twice--with each of my 2 daughters.
8. There's a very large Black Rat Snake that patrols our attic spaces. We've affectionately named him "Fred." We never see him inside, but every once in a while he hangs out near the gutter--literally.
I'll pass this challenge on (unless you aren't interested) to:
1. Jennifer
2. Cathy
3. Donna
4. possumlady
5. Dorothy
6. Ruth
7. Delia
8. Sherry

Thanks for doing the meme Nina. It's fun to get a peek at the personal side! I think it's interesting to see how things (and people) are related too. As I get older I find the world getting smaller and more interconnected. My education is in science related medical too. I'm a Medical Technologist and work in a hospital laboratory. I am a microscope geek!
Rat snake? Never seen one and that's OK with me. (((shudder)))
Dear Nina,
Thank you for the tag.
I enjoyed learning a bit about you.
I too mostly do nature and so I guess a "what about me" might be interesting.
I will do the best I can.
I am rather quiet.
Hi Nina,
Of course I'll do this.....I needed something to get me back into blogland. I've been suffering from blogger's block lately. Thanks for tagging me!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....lots of food for thought.
Have a nice weekend! ;-)
Nina - I'll do my darndest to get on this. A new group of house guests are due in and things are stacking up. (I think I'm chicken too - I might reveal something embarrassing . . . or I might just discover that I'm boring ;0)
Thanks for the tag - it'll be fun.
I used to play the violin also--it's hard to find time to practice now and my playing usually scared the cat!
Good to know you better, Nina! I'm in awe of those who play the violin. You must practice and get your talent back!
I've always wanted to play the violin...but I wanted to be in the marching band, so I chose the alto sax.
It's nice to get to know you better, Nina!
BTW - I did enjoy your random facts. I'm not surprised that you play the violin. AND I'm going to have trouble topping Fred.
I would have Fred gently relocated if I lived in your house. I could live with mice, bats, spiders, most anything but a snake. I worked in a health sciences library to finance my way through university. I love libraries.
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