By the middle of the summer, if you're fortunate enough to have an area of open field, roadside or even lawn that remains unmowed, very pretty things begin to appear. The seedheads of grasses, oftentimes lopped off before they mature, have a beauty unique to each species.
I used to think grass was just that--simply, grass. It all looked the same, cut short and green. But, now, long--waving in the summer breezes and ripening in the long daylight hours--it has become more. Complex shapes, textures, structures and rhythms. Some dainty dancers; others soldiers, standing guard at the edge.
"Have you seen...." is an effort to discover the unusual beauty in things not usually appreciated for their beauty.

I love this idea! I'll be looking more closely on my way out and about today!
I always mourn when the large fallow field beside our Loudonville, Ohio get-away is mowed by the owner. The grasses are so beautiful when they sway in windy waves. Then - off with their heads. I know he has to do this to hold back the woods, but still . . .
Oh my gosh... My friend Ann just bought me a book of grasses. I haven't had time to dig into it. But I LOVE grasses. I hope to be able to call some of them by name soon!
P.S. I especially like the "Grass 2" picture. Very pretty!
Such beauty to behold...everywhere if we only stop to look and see.
Your grass photographs are lovely indeed!
What a terrific idea for an on-going series: Finding beauty in the small, the ordinary and the overlooked. Please continue this feature!
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